We have collected several notes and personal diaries of Khon Kijo with his permission we now continue as best we can our presentation in text of our understanding of his diaries from his early days on Cha'ouw. No dates or times are given with references only to seasons as a means of time indications.
Summer on Chal
I have now recuperated from my near death experience last spring, the radiation coming from the alien pillars in the cavern had some adverse affects on Klingon physiology if not for the children and their advanced anti-bodies I might well not have survived. A transfusion of blood from our medical stocks of Cha'ouwain modified blood has saved me. I now feel and seem younger than when I first came here. My mind is more alert than it has ever been. Is it the planet, the blood transfusion or the Alien underground structure that has caused all this.
We thought we were manipulating the planet, all the while it seems it was the planet the was manipulating us.
Spring on Chal
System scan shows several space craft have entered then left the system as if they were looking for something. The Alien cloaking field generator we discovered in cavern 12B, seems to be working fine. For any intensive scans done on this planet by any space craft, all they will show is a deadly radiated world.
Fall on Chal
I have to leave the planet again, we need more intel on the state of the conflicts going on between the Klingon Empire and it's enemies. I do not wish for thier conflicts to spill over to our region of space, better for them to believe there is nothing for anyone to see here. My young apprentice has matured, she has become not only an adept scientist but a great warrior and leader amongst the Cha'owians. I regret having to leave this wondrous planet for such a long period, but I must re-invent my place on the Klingon home world. My intelligence network has provided me with information on personnel in the Federation in partcular a Admiral Drake who seems set on starting another conflict with the Klingon Empire. He may already be in possession of documents stolen from the Imperial Forcaster archives that may reveal the location of Chal.
I must go and make sure those fools did not allow the projects documents into the hands of the Federation, they should have been all destroyed.
Summer on Chal
I have now recuperated from my near death experience last spring, the radiation coming from the alien pillars in the cavern had some adverse affects on Klingon physiology if not for the children and their advanced anti-bodies I might well not have survived. A transfusion of blood from our medical stocks of Cha'ouwain modified blood has saved me. I now feel and seem younger than when I first came here. My mind is more alert than it has ever been. Is it the planet, the blood transfusion or the Alien underground structure that has caused all this.
We thought we were manipulating the planet, all the while it seems it was the planet the was manipulating us.
Spring on Chal
System scan shows several space craft have entered then left the system as if they were looking for something. The Alien cloaking field generator we discovered in cavern 12B, seems to be working fine. For any intensive scans done on this planet by any space craft, all they will show is a deadly radiated world.
Fall on Chal
I have to leave the planet again, we need more intel on the state of the conflicts going on between the Klingon Empire and it's enemies. I do not wish for thier conflicts to spill over to our region of space, better for them to believe there is nothing for anyone to see here. My young apprentice has matured, she has become not only an adept scientist but a great warrior and leader amongst the Cha'owians. I regret having to leave this wondrous planet for such a long period, but I must re-invent my place on the Klingon home world. My intelligence network has provided me with information on personnel in the Federation in partcular a Admiral Drake who seems set on starting another conflict with the Klingon Empire. He may already be in possession of documents stolen from the Imperial Forcaster archives that may reveal the location of Chal.
I must go and make sure those fools did not allow the projects documents into the hands of the Federation, they should have been all destroyed.
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